急~~英文造句 不要用太難 送10點呦
急~~ 徵求大大們的智慧-//////- 用英文單子造句~~~ 條件.. 01.請不要用的長長一句 那我絕對不會選他當最佳回答的 02.請不要抄yahoo字典裡的例句 1.attitude 2.compose 3.proper
1. Study is all about attitude. 學習是看態度的。 2. All matter in the world is composed by atom. 世間所有物質都是由原子組成的。 3. I tried to say it in proper way. 我嘗試用合適的方式說出來。(過去式) 2009-09-14 00:47:55 補充: 3. I tried to say it in a proper way. 2009-09-14 01:19:36 補充: to 強渡流砂河: 人家版主都說不要抄襲雅虎字典裡面的例句 你還....
1.attitude ex: Look at your attitude! 看看你的態度! 2.compose ex: The men compose the committee. 委員會由十人組成。 3.proper ex: Nothing is in its proper place. 東西都放得亂七八糟。|||||1.attitude ----- Don't strike an attitude! 2.compose----Water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen. 3.proper -------The custom is proper to the island.