






I will like you to make an immediate purchase for your item on yahoo auction. I will buy at the rate of NT23,000 ¤?...I will be making payment via bidpay online payment and to make the payment just verify with your email address so I can send the payment and you will have to send the details to the agent in charge... 顯示更多 I will like you to make an immediate purchase for your item on yahoo auction. I will buy at the rate of NT23,000 ¤?...I will be making payment via bidpay online payment and to make the payment just verify with your email address so I can send the payment and you will have to send the details to the agent in charge of your money as soon as the money gets approved you can send the details to the agent in charge of the money that has been sent to you. BidPay is affiliated with western union and works together so once I send the payment to you the money order will be sent to you and you can cash the money in any bank in your location and that will be the same day and the money takes just 3-5 days to get to you. Get back tome as soon as possible.send reply to or add or Call 2348039136032. 大概知道他再說什麼,但是還是請大家幫我翻譯一下好了, 還是會怕看錯他ㄉ意思。先謝謝好心人士協助。^^Y


我將喜歡你騎雅虎拍賣為你的東西做立即購買。 我將以NT23,000的速率買嗎? 我將透過bidpay付款的M 在線的支付, 付款實在與你的電子郵箱位址一起證實, 因此我能送支付和你 必須把細節送到負責你的錢的劑, 錢一被批准,你就能把細節送到負責已經被寄給你的錢的劑。 BidPay附屬于西方的協會並且一同如此工作, 一旦我寄給你支付匯票 將被寄給你,你在在你的位置和那的任何銀行能兌現錢 將是同一天,錢要花費僅僅3-5天影響你。 possible.send一對michellewayne3@hotmail.com回答或者增加或者叫2348039136032立刻收回大部頭的書。


請注意!這是跨國詐騙集團的伎倆喔! 我自己和朋友也都有收過內容大致雷同 都是要寄至奈及利亞(非洲)國家, 都要採用western union (bidpay) 匯票方式交易, 他們開新帳號到處貼、四處貼、都會用高價來利誘要買。 會指定用 western union 匯款付款; 2005-04-25 04:36:02 補充: 這中間western union 會通知; 要我運送東西,運送出去,就會付款給我並附fedex label(聯邦快遞貼紙) 我貼上去label 請fedexx來收貨,他們貼留言幾乎一模一樣四處貼; 訊息意思是他先付款;付款 ok!我再寄送; 但後面根本是:我需先寄送,並自付運費,才能收到匯款; fedex label 送去地點是奈及利亞,我查過google 很多人被騙; 都是用western union匯款,更巧的是,寄去地方皆是奈及利亞!|||||我們喜歡你一直隻持雅虎類似的吧 我要買那RATE用23000元買 我要做個網上型的交易 我會給你前但是你要給我或先給我你不久將會拿到錢的 我是西方人 我要西方音樂我會給你前先給我或我在寄給你 三到五天會交錢給你 我會轉到你的銀行 寄回應在 這是我的EMAIL 或打2348039136032 我的電話 如上如有錯誤請勿見怪 (我才小六呢董這寫已經很多了)

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