請大家幫我把這些翻譯成英文謝謝 奉上十五點你會做什麼菜?2. 地板髒了,該拖一拖了。3. 四點要去接小孩。4. 晚上七點記得去到垃圾。5. 今天要做資源回收。6. 幫寶寶換一下尿布。7. 等一下把房間整理一下。8. 麻煩把桌上的灰塵擦一擦。9. 浴室該洗了。10. 我今天會晚點回來。11. 今天要穿哪一件衣服呢?12. 我不喜歡穿裙子。13. 今年流行低腰牛仔褲。14. 我不敢穿迷你裙。15. 這雙鞋跟你的衣服很搭。16. 上班可以穿牛仔褲嗎?17.... 顯示更多 請大家幫我把這些翻譯成英文謝謝 奉上十五點 你會做什麼菜? 2. 地板髒了,該拖一拖了。 3. 四點要去接小孩。 4. 晚上七點記得去到垃圾。 5. 今天要做資源回收。 6. 幫寶寶換一下尿布。 7. 等一下把房間整理一下。 8. 麻煩把桌上的灰塵擦一擦。 9. 浴室該洗了。 10. 我今天會晚點回來。 11. 今天要穿哪一件衣服呢? 12. 我不喜歡穿裙子。 13. 今年流行低腰牛仔褲。 14. 我不敢穿迷你裙。 15. 這雙鞋跟你的衣服很搭。 16. 上班可以穿牛仔褲嗎? 17. 你有黃色的領帶嗎? 18. 出門不要穿拖鞋。 19. 你化起妝真的不一樣。 20. 這件毛衣真好看。 21. 我不想聽。 22. 煩死了。 23. 你很無聊耶。 24. 你夠囉。 25. 到底還要多久? 26. 她又開始了。 27. 不關我的事! 28. 為什麼是我? 29. 他真的很無趣。 30. 這部電影讓人很想睡。 更新: 我不要雅虎字典查的
1.你會做什麼菜? What kind of food you can make? 2. 地板髒了,該拖一拖了 The floor was dirtied , it should be mopped. 3. 四點要去接小孩 Pick kids up at four o'clock. 4. 晚上七點記得去到垃圾 Remember to throw the garbage at seven p.m. 5. 今天要做資源回收 It time to make recycling today. 6. 幫寶寶換一下尿布 Help baby to change the diaper. 7. 等一下把房間整理一下 Clean out the room in a moment. 8. 麻煩把桌上的灰塵擦一擦 Please wipe the dirt on the table. 9. 浴室該洗了 Bathroom need cleaning. 10. 我今天會晚點回來 I'll come back later today. 11. 今天要穿哪一件衣服呢? Which clothes would I wear today? 12. 我不喜歡穿裙子 I don't like wearing skirts. 13. 今年流行低腰牛仔褲 This year low rise's jeans is to be in vogue. 14. 我不敢穿迷你裙 I dare not to wear miniskirts. 15. 這雙鞋跟你的衣服很搭 This pair of shoes is collocating with your clothes. 16. 上班可以穿牛仔褲嗎? Could I wear jeans to be at work ? 17. 你有黃色的領帶嗎? Do you have any yellow ties ? 18. 出門不要穿拖鞋 Don't wear slippers when you leave home. 19. 你化起妝真的不一樣 It's difference when you make up. 20. 這件毛衣真好看 This sweater looks really good. 21. 我不想聽 I don't want to listen. 22. 煩死了 I'm going to be vexed. 23. 你很無聊耶 You're bored. 24. 你夠囉 Enough! 25. 到底還要多久? To the end how long has it need ? 26. 她又開始了 She started again. 27. 不關我的事 None of my business. 28. 為什麼是我? Why is me ? 29. 他真的很無趣 He is really dull. 30. 這部電影讓人很想睡 This film of movie make people sleepy.
我一直都有過敏狀況,是最近才知道要用防螨寢具的,因為醫師建議我用,我也考慮了很久,想說要買就買最好的,上個月趁網站有折扣的時候買了一組【北之特】防蹣(螨)寢具來用用看,真沒想到~~現在覺得過敏狀況有改善多了。雖然比一般的貴一些,不過~真值得!|||||我同意min.darcy的說法. 這個翻譯有太多錯誤了.希望yahoo kimo 能有最後審查的機會, 以免誤了真需要學習的人.|||||What vegetables will you do? 2. The dirty floor, which dragged on for a delay. 3. 4:00 to pick up their children. 4. 19:00 to refuse to remember. 5. Recycling to be done today. 6. To help look for baby diapers. 7. Room to wait about finishing. 8. Troubles on the table to wipe the dust off a rub. 9. The bathroom to wash up. 10. I will come back later. 11. Today, this piece of clothing to wear what? 12. I do not like to wear skirts. 13. Drop Waisted jeans popular this year. 14. I can not wear miniskirts. 15. This double heel of your clothes are up. 16. Can wear jeans to work it? 17. You have a yellow tie it? 18. Do not go out wearing slippers. 19. And you really do not like the makeup effect. 20. This really good-looking sweater. 21. I do not want to hear. 22. Fansi had. 23. You are bored Ye. 24. Hello you enough. 25. In the end how much longer? 26. She also started. 27. None of my business! 28. Why me? 29. He really boring. 30. The film is very sleepy people. 自己翻譯 圖片參考:http://tw.yimg.com/i/tw/ugc/rte/smiley_39.gif|||||What vegetable you will make? 2. Floor dirty, should tow. 3. Four spots must go to meet the child. 4. 7:00 pm remember to trash. 5. Today must make the resource recovery. 6. Helps the baby to trade the diaper. 7. And so on reorganizes the room. 8. Scratches troublesome the table on dust. 9. The bathroom should wash. 10. I will be late today. 11. Which clothes today can put on? 12. I do not like putting on the skirt. 13. This year popular low waist jeans. 14. I do not dare to put on the miniskirt. 15. This pair of shoe heel your clothes build very much. 16. Goes to work may put on the jeans? 17. You have the yellow tie? 18. Goes out do not put on the slipper. 19. You melt zhuang is really dissimilar. 20. This woolen sweater is really nice. 21. I do not want to listen. 22. Was tired. 23. Your very bored Ye. 24. Your 夠 Luo. 25. How long also wants? 26. She started. 27. Does not close my matter! 28. Why is I? 29. He is really very senseless. 30. This movie lets the human very want to rest.