我想問有冇人用過SIGMA 120-300MM F2.8這支鏡頭。
我想買一支長焦距鏡頭,各位可否提供意見。 1.SIGMA 120-300MM F2.8 2.CANON 100-400MM F4.5-5.6 3.CANON 400MM F4 以上三支鏡頭,我心水是SIGMA,但又怕副廠鏡頭質素不及原廠,請各位給點意見。謝!
我心水是SIGMA,但又怕副廠鏡頭質素不及原廠 ? no need to worry. SIGMA 120-300MM F2.8 is one of the trophy lens of Sigma, very huge, but very sharp... 2000 USD, like 15500-16000 HKD :) the follow comments will help you :) SIGMA 120-300MM F2.8 This is one amazing lens, its one of the sharpest lenses I own, it blows away any of my Canon L zoom lenses in terms of sharpness, contrast, and construction. I looked at getting the Canon 100-400 L, and tried two copies of it, and still did not come close to the sharpness this lens has. The IS of the Canon would have been nice, but with a constant 2.8, im not really missing it. The only drawback for anyone ive seen so far is the weight, it is heavy, so plan on picking up a monopod to help, that said, there is no reason I can think of not to purchase this lens. This is one of those sleeper lenses that you hear about. (another is the Sigma 150mm Macro, which I sold my Canon 100mm Macro for). Sigma has really out done themselves. If you have the chance rent this lens, and youll see why I own all L Glass and 2 Sigma lenses. 圖片參考:http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/G/01/nav2/images/transp.gif A huge lens. Requires a monopod at least to make it steady. If you hand hold like I have tried, you'd better get used to body building! The 105mm? front thread makes filters crazy expensive. I got the UV for protection and bought a circular polarizer (ouch) also. I've used this lens for outdoor sports and find the zoom to be immensely more handy than the primes so that i don't have to reposition myself constantly. The sharpness is pretty impressive for a non-Canon lens and the HSM focus is very fast. Using AI Servo with the 20D makes taking sports a breeze. Using this with the Canon 20D also makes this the equivalent of a 192-480 f/2.8 zoom which is amazing. SIGMA 120-300MM F2.8 A great deal but if you don't need that extra range from 200-300mm, then just get the canon 70-200 f/2.8 IS which is an amazingly fantastic lens. and you'll save a few bucks also. BUT if you need that extra 200-300 and you dont' feel like throwing out the crazy $ required for a canon 100-400 or other canon lenses that cover the 200-300 spectrum (and are NOT consumer lenses-ie. mostly junk), then get the sigma which for under $2K is a fantastic lens for the price. http://www.ephotozine.com/equipment/tests/testdetail.cfm?test_id=336 the above link can help you too ... In summary the main positive points of the Sigma 120-300mm f/2.8 are: 圖片參考:http://www.ephotozine.com/images/posrating.gif Picture quality 圖片參考:http://www.ephotozine.com/images/posrating.gif Internal mechanisms 圖片參考:http://www.ephotozine.com/images/posrating.gif Build quality 圖片參考:http://www.ephotozine.com/images/posrating.gif Versatility 圖片參考:http://www.ephotozine.com/images/posrating.gif Hood Negative points are: 圖片參考:http://www.ephotozine.com/images/negrating.gif Weight 圖片參考:http://www.ephotozine.com/images/negrating.gif Lens cap 2007-04-02 05:34:57 補充: you will enjoy that ZOOM and lowlight performance